AGEM Scholarship Award 2016
Drexel University Casino Gaming Student Parthena (Gina) Vorgiatzidis
Drexel University Casino Gaming Student Parthena (Gina) Vorgiatzidis
Most affected regions: Scotland, North East, Yorks & Humber
Grosvenor Casinos, the UK’s biggest casino operator, is working with leading celebrity stylist Gemma Sheppard, to launch its new uniform range across 51 of its 55 casinos in the UK this spring.
How to solve an uncomfortable problem. Victor H. Royer
Why did you decide to install Casino Technology's products on your casino floor?
As Genting prepares to open Britain’s first truly integrated destination casino at the NEC in Solihull this week, Dan Waugh asks why our gambling industry has been so slow to embrace mainstream leisure.
We don’t know what’s out there,” stated A.G. Burnett, Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, during one of the G2E seminars I attended. “Some of the meetings I’ve had over the last couple of years (have been) with some really interesting people and companies who have really interesting ideas…we’ve unfortunately told them: ‘Great idea. Really cool gizmo or product. You just can’t do it in Nevada.’
Bringing people into casinos at a senior level from other industries: Paul Sculpher